Soroti Intake Works, CFA, November 2014 

Scope of Services:

Installation and integrity testing of 10 no. 600mm dia. 13.5m deep working piles with full-length cages. 


Location: Mbale-Soroti Rd, Uganda 

Completion Date: November 2014 

Main Contractor: Ambitious Construction Ltd 

Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) 

Project Description:

The rig and method demonstrated itself once more in water bearing soils immediately adjacent to the Awoja River. Nine piles were installed immediately next to the bridge abutment to support pumping station, while the tenth was installed in the river bed for the inlet itself. Access to this single pile was made via a causeway of hard core and clay with a murram top. 

Concrete was batched on site by EAP using three carmix self-loading mobile batch mixers. Concrete mix was designed by EAP specifically for CFA piling. CFA piling requires concrete with high and extended workability to facilitate pumping and cage insertion. 

Reinforcement cages were tied at the company base in Kampala and transported complete to site. Data from the rig computer system provides complete information on the pile depth and concrete volume from an array of sensors on the rig. EAP followed up with impulse response method integrity testing of all piles to confirm soundness of the construction. 


Namataba Cement Works: CFA and Pile Testing, February 2015